Storybox Playlist: Boredom is Beautiful
"Mommy, I'm bored." In my house, I don't even respond to that statement. Or if I do, I simply say there are grown-up chores to be done, like cleaning the bathroom. That tends to get the kids outside or doing something else really quickly.
Boredom is a great thing for kids as it requires them to figure out something to do. Often when we as parents offer suggestions or find something for them to do, it is a lost opportunity for creative growth.
We've rounded up five stories about boredom to help inspire your kids when they are bored. Let me suggest that it might be best to play these stories during your normal story time rather than when your kids are bored. Listening when they aren't bored will allow the lessons and ideas in the stories to sink in better. Then when boredom arises, you might be able to say, "What would Martin and Sylvia do if they were bored?" That will help trigger their memories of the stories and hopefully banish the boredom.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.