Trina, the Cottontail Rabbit Kit
Trina and her family live at the edge of a wide forest that borders an open meadow. The cottontail family tends to stay together and find food in the safety of the same spots. But one day Trina learns that her Uncle Puffs ventured to the edge of the pond and was caught alone by a passing hawk. After her father shares the sad news, the rabbit family grieves his loss together. They hug, they tell stories, they are sad. In time, they laugh, and they get back to everyday business. Every now and then Trina is reminded of her uncle and she feels sad. “That is all part of grieving” explains her father, “And when the hard feelings come, it is best to feel them.”
NOTE: This story frames grieving and loss within the natural world where life and death or normal daily occurrences. The message of the story is that feelings must be felt, and that in time, feeling them gets easier.