Mariah the Angus Calf
There is something curious and strange about the old horse named Magus — and all the Angus Cattle advise the calves to stay away from him. One calf, however, wonders why Magus seems to know things that the cows don't and how he can seemingly disappear and then reappear somewhere else. When she finally finds out Magus' secret, she realizes that anything the old horse can do, she can do as well.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

How to Pay Attention - The First Pillar of Intuitive Storytelling
Storytelling is convenient. It is portable. It is effective and holds immense variety. Parents have complete control over content and it is FREE! Keep reading to learn more about attention, the first of the four tenets of intuitive storytelling.

Storybox Playlist: Tales About Strong Girls
This week we are honoring stories of girls who are go-getters, idea makers, courageous, brave in the face of adversity and kind. We believe that every girl has a strong girl in her and we hope these stories will inspire the strong girl in your Sparkle Family.