Halloween Story: Part One
We meet Henry - a creative, delightful boy who would very much like to be an elf. When the Halloween season begins, he throws himself into preparation, for this year he will get to try on his elf-ness! He also meets Brie, a classmate who invites him to trick-or-treat in her neighborhood. On Halloween eve they immediately see that this is no ordinary Halloween: Henry-the-Elf and Brie-the-Cat discover a "Story House," and the adventure begins.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

The Wonder of Halloween
David talks about why children actually want to dress in gory costumes of monsters, the undead and the maimed: they are still looking for wonder!

Sparkle Kitchen: Popcorn Balls
While you could make these popcorn balls any size you want, I recommend aiming for a large golf ball so that all of your small elves and black cats can enjoy them in a few quick bites.