Benno and the Water Nymph
A poor farm family sails across the sea to seek a new life of possibility. When they finally arrive, they see that the land is parched and there is no water in sight. But Benno, the farm boy, smells something familiar — it is the smell of the hillside spring near their old home. What he doesn't know is that the water nymph from that spring has followed them ... and is ready to help.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Crafts: Ice Boats
These ice boats take advantage of children's enchantment with water by using it in two forms — frozen and liquid — and also commemorate Benno's family's trip across the sea.

Sparkle Kitchen: Healthy Winter Drinks Round Up
Just as water brings life to the farm family, teas can help us during the winter season to feel better. Often when I am feeling a little down or out of sorts, I'll make a nice herbal tea to boost my spirits and give me the energy I need to carry on.