Sam Sugarpop and the Switch Witch Surprise
Sam Sugarpop is a frisky little fire sprite who loves, loves, loves sweets “for breakfast, for dinner, for supper, and tea” as the nursery rhyme goes. When the children of the world hear his rhyme and also get a taste for sweets, a Halloween tradition is born: trick-or-treating for candy!
It turns out that Sam is not the only fairy looking for sweets. There is a cheerful witch who wants the candy for a very different reason, one that is a surprise to the children, their parents, and Sam Sugarpop himself. And this brings about another Halloween tradition – one you might not know about…
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

The Wonder of Halloween
David talks about why children actually want to dress in gory costumes of monsters, the undead and the maimed: they are still looking for wonder!

Sparkle Craft: Halloween Special - Keepsake "Switch Witch" Plate
This simple handprint art commemorates both the Halloween season and my daughter's sweet, tiny hands.