Day Four: Four Legs to a Table
This story is a part of Martin & Sylvia's Twelve Days of Christmas Story Collection.
In these stories, Martin and Sylvia explore what it means to celebrate the traditional "Twelve Days of Christmas," inspired by twelve delightful tales from 18th century Maine. Each story contains a "story-within-the-story" - about the colonial town of Tullyport as the founding families create Christmas traditions and celebrations that are unique, delightful and rich with community connection.
This story is Day Four: Four Legs to a Table.
On the fourth day of Christmas, little Laura is sick. The children are concerned: “How will we keep up with our new tradition? How will we listen to the Tullyport story together?” Together the families figure out how to share in the story.
From “Twelve Tales of a Tullyport Christmas”: “Four Legs to a Table”
Eliza Tully has always been a clear-minded girl. Tthird child of the founders of Tullyport, she has shown little but unstoppable curiosity about the world. As a young adult, she leaves Tullyport to explore other continents — and returns filled with stories, languages, and ideas about how to bring connection to her much loved home town.
This story celebrates the gift of “coming together” as a community.