The Sit Spot
After a day at Wilderness School, Martin tells his sister and Daddy about finding a "sit spot" or personal spot in the woods. Sylvia is inspired to find one herself, as is Daddy — but Momma is feeling she needs to focus on getting the house ready for guests. But in the final moments before the guests arrive, she decides to find a "sit spot" and has the most magical moment of all.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

How to Pay Attention - The First Pillar of Intuitive Storytelling
Storytelling is convenient. It is portable. It is effective and holds immense variety. Parents have complete control over content and it is FREE! Keep reading to learn more about attention, the first of the four tenets of intuitive storytelling.

Sparkle Craft: Sit Spot Tutorial
Sit spots are a fantastic way to connect with yourself and with your environment without too much effort. Find a comfy spot out in nature, return to it again and again, and experience the magic!