The Enchanted Frog
Momma is canning tomatoes, and Daddy is cleaning the basement. Martin and Sylvia don’t want any part of it. But when they try to find something to do on their own, they can’t agree on a good idea. What could they possibly do? The thought of Mrs. Brown’s delicious peach pies draws them to the neighboring farm, where they find Mrs. Brown having her quiet “idea time” by the frog pond. When the children join her in her watchful place, they find the best magic flows from the quietest spot!
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Rustic Peach Tart with Raspberries and Thyme
There’s definitely something enchanting about peaches in late August. Whether you pick them from the orchard or the grocery store, their sweet, heady smell is one of summer’s last gifts.

Sparkle Kitchen: Peach Pizza Pie
While I would gladly choose peach pie with neighbors over canning tomatoes or cleaning the basement, I must confess that my favorite kind of peach pie isn’t the sweet kind — it’s peach pizza pie.