The Let Go Approach
It is gift-giving season for Martin and Sylvia's family and Martin has a particularly magical gift for his sister. It is so magical that he wants to give it to her in a magical way. When all his ideas don't seem to work, Daddy suggests he use the 'let go approach'. And what is the 'let go approach?
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Craft: Magical Marbled Paper
When you make marbled paper, you simply can’t be perfect. The nature of the craft means that you’ll be pleasantly surprised in the end every time!

Sparkle Kitchen: Gyoza
This week's recipe is another magical gift in a magical package—Japanese dumplings, called gyoza.

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: The Let Go Approach
What does your yard look like in the late fall? Is there frost? Snow? Is it covered in leaves or early morning dew? This printable project page shows different patterns you can make in your yard with your feet, some string, or maybe even a piece of chalk!