The Gift of Sweetness


The Gift of Sweetness

Topics: NatureCraftsOutdoor Adventures

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Craft: Hand-woven Tapestry

Like Martin and Sylvia, you can honor a favorite tree of your own (and weave in some memories too).

Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Gifts of Sweetness

In the story, "Gift of Sweetness" Sylvia chose a branch from an old dear tree for a magic wand! She cut off the parts she didn’t want to use and then painted the wand. Use this printable to design your own and then try it out on a real branch!

Characters in this Story



Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays!

Nippy Knitting Day

Nippy Knitting Day

Spring Seeing

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