
Sock Puppets
Daddy intends to throw out his old single socks because he believes there is nothing one can do with them. But brother and sister's babysitter, Ellie, knows just what to do with them - make sock puppets!
Topics: Crafts
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Build Your Own Puppet Theater
The true magic in this project happens after the physical making has been completed. When little ones (or grown-ups) sit behind the stage and spin a tale with the puppets. The magic is in the story.

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Sock Puppets
In the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story “Sock Puppets,” Martin and Sylvia’s babysitter Ellie has a great idea for what to do with a bunch of old single socks - sock puppets!