
Important to Us All
When Daddy takes brother and sister downtown and they see a public mural being painted on a back wall of the town hall, they wonder if perhaps they can paint one at their home. "What should we paint?" asks Martin. "Something that is important to the whole family," suggests Daddy. And thus the Saturday project begins.
Topics: Crafts
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Craft: Collaborative Chalk Mural
We’re going to show you how to make a chalk mural of your own, inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story "Important to Us All."

Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Flower Mural
You can use the flowers on this printable project page to make your own art: make copies, color, and cut and paste to make your own garden mural! Or design your own!