December 20: The Fairies' Advent


December 20: The Fairies' Advent

Topics: ChristmasHolidaysFairiesAdvent

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Parent Cheat Sheet: Martin & Sylvia's Daily Advent Activities

As you are planning and preparing for your own Advent season, we thought you might enjoy a little "cheat sheet" for what’s ahead with Martin and Sylvia. You can let the ideas from the stories inspire your own daily activities.

Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 20: "The Fairies' Advent"

In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "The Fairies' Advent," it is a quiet, magical sort of morning for Sylvia and she decides to focus her day on the quietest, most magical folk in her life: the fairies!

The Martin & Sylvia PRINTABLE Advent Calendar!

Here's a lovely little printable calendar to go with the Martin & Sylvia Audio Advent Calendar!

Sparkle Craft: Martin & Sylvia's Colorable Ornaments for Advent

For this year's calendar, our lovely Sparkle Stories artists have made a beautiful set of printable ornaments.

Characters in this Story



Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar

December 1: Waiting

December 1: Waiting

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