Part Two: The Three Little Kittens and the Big Bad Skunk
Mr. Flinch comes up with an idea for a story they could dramatize for the visiting cats. The premise sounds like an awful like a famous children's story, but Mr. Flinch claims that it is entirely original. There is much to do before the big Halloween event: creating the costumes, building the sets and learning lines -- the whole Junkyard is a-bustle with Halloween preparations!
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

The Wonder of Halloween
David talks about why children actually want to dress in gory costumes of monsters, the undead and the maimed: they are still looking for wonder!

Sparkle Crafts: Paper Animal Ears
These paper animal ears make for some simple but fun costumes for kids, whether your little ones want to dress up as a wolf, rabbit, cat, or a creative imaginary creature! They'd make a great project to work on while you listen to one of our many Halloween audio stories.