December Twenty Three: Mike Steps In


December Twenty Three: Mike Steps In

Topics: AnimalsHolidaysChristmasAdvent

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The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar!

All about our collection for Advent: The Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar!

Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar Printable Coloring Page: Day 23- Mike Steps In

The Junkyard animals are ready for the Warden to discover their hard work. They have everything ready, and on the morning of Christmas Eve, they are excited for the Warden to enjoy his gifts. But right off the bat, things do not go to plan. Luckily one of the Junkyard workers steps in at just the right time.

Tutorial: the Junkyard Tales PRINTABLE Advent Calendar

Look everyone! It's a PRINTABLE Advent Calendar! Our very first. Each of the 25 little doors hides a clue to the matching story in the Junkyard Tales Audio Advent Calendar - so you can listen and open a door each day from December 1st to the 25th!

Characters in this Story

Ben Thompson



Junkyard Tales: Audio Advent Calendar

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