Oklahoma: Migrant Mother
The photograph that is most associated to the 1930’s dust bowl of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas is the iconic “Migrant Mother” photographed by Dorothea Lange. The subject of the photograph is Florence Owens Thompson, mother of seven who was stranded at the time on her way to California. This story is based on her real life journey and what it meant to do whatever was needed to not only survive during a national crisis … but to make the most of any situation.
Note: Though this is historical fiction and the characters have been developed to accommodate a story, their attributes and development may be useful as reference points and inspirations.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

FIFTY Study Page: Oklahoma— "Migrant Mother"
This story from the FIFTY collection is historical fiction that explores the History of the Dust bowl and the official "Indian Territory" of Oklahoma. The characters can be useful as reference points and inspirations. Read about our suggested topics for investigation!

FIFTY Study Page: Oklahoma— "Migrant Mother"
This story from the FIFTY collection is historical fiction that explores the History of the Dust bowl and the official "Indian Territory" of Oklahoma. The characters can be useful as reference points and inspirations. Read about our suggested topics for investigation!