Ohio: The View from Above
Blanche Noyes was the first woman to get her pilot’s license in Ohio. She placed fourth in the world famous Women’s Air Derby — right behind Amelia Earhart. Now, she flies a private Ford Trimotor airplane for Standard Oil of Ohio, spending most of her days waiting for the rich and powerful to board her aircraft. This day seems no different, until she learns who her passenger will be: none other than the richest man in the world, John D. Rockefeller. What is he doing in Cleveland and why does he want to fly in her aircraft? When the 90 year old insists on taking his first and only flight in the cockpit, Blanche and John D have a chance to talk — and realize they actually have a lot in common.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

FIFTY Study Page - "Ohio: The View from Above”
This story from the FIFTY collection uses historical fiction to explore the history of the oil business, transportation, and flight.

sparkle craft: three paper airplanes
Below, you'll find directions for three paper airplanes. None of them are terrifically complicated—each take only a few minutes to make—but they're guaranteed to get your little ones excited about flying.