


Topics: NatureCraftsCooking & Baking

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Chicken Satay

In Southeast Asia, marinated meats are served on skewer sticks to make a dish called “satay." Satay was supposedly invented by street vendors in Indonesia as an imitation of the Indian kebabs brought to the area by migration in the early 19th century.

Sparkle Kitchen: Sandwich on a Stick

“Sandwich sticks,” said Momma proudly as she entered the forest. Martin and Sylvia came out of their stick house to investigate. “What is a sandwich stick?” asked Martin with a smile. He peeked in the tray.

Find out just how to make them in this kitchen post!

Sparkle Crafts: Lashing Sticks

Martin and Sylvia are inspired to create with sticks in this week’s At Home with Martin and Sylvia, from a fairy house to furniture to Momma’s lunch on a stick!

Characters in this Story



At Home with Martin & Sylvia

The Shortest Day

The Shortest Day

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