Spring Sillies


Spring Sillies

Topics: HolidaysSpringThis Week's Stories

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Backyard Porridge

In the At Home with Martin & Sylvia story "Spring Sillies Day," Momma serves the children “Backyard Porridge” on their much loved Spring Sillies Day. You don’t have to wait until next April 1 to have some morning silliness. Create your own Spring Sillies Day and serve up a little of the “bugs & grubs” — Martin-and-Sylvia style. Here's how!

Sparkle Kitchen: April Fool's Day Food Pranks

If you and yours would like to engage in some April Fool’s Day hijinks, here are a few funny food jokes to get you started.

Characters in this Story



At Home with Martin & Sylvia

The Shortest Day

The Shortest Day

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