Go-to-Sleep Fairy
This story is a part of the "Handy Toolbelt of Stories" — a collection of stories designed to give your family support during overwhelming life events. Included are stories about trauma, sickness, potential harm and death. They are stories to have in your back pocket if your family experiences a sudden trauma or difficult life event.
This story comes from the Martin & Sylvia Series.
Martin is grumpy — he simply hasn’t been getting enough sleep. He explains to Momma that he is just not sleepy at night. Everyone has some advice, from warm milk to special stories, but it is his sister who saves the day (or night!) with her delightful introduction to the go-to-sleep fairy.
Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Alabama Toast
Alabama Toast is a regular breakfast in Martin and Sylvia’s house. It’s a version of French Toast, with a delightful “Alabama” spread, made with good ingredients from the southeastern United States: peanut butter and molasses.

Sparkle Crafts: Go to Sleep Fairy Pillow
It seems Martin and my Oliver both need a “Go to Sleep” fairy this week. Unlike Sylvia, I didn’t find one, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve for encouraging restful sleep.