A Kitchen of Canning


A Kitchen of Canning

Topics: Cooking & Baking

Projects, Crafts, and Recipes for this Story

Sparkle Kitchen: Applesauce

Homemade applesauce—typically dolloped onto a bowl of warm oatmeal at our house—is like a fuzzy scarf and a hug as the weather starts to turn colder.

Sparkle Crafts: Applesauce Labels!

This week’s At Home with Martin and Sylvia tale about making applesauce is a favorite in our house. The story is called "A Kitchen of Canning."

Sparkle Kitchen: Momma's Spiced Applesauce

Spiced applesauce! Cinnamon, cardamom, allspice. Can’t you already smell and taste it? Yum. We’ve got Momma’s recipe for you — all you need are ripe apples, some honey, some lemon juice, and a few lovely spices.

Characters in this Story



At Home with Martin & Sylvia

The Shortest Day

The Shortest Day

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