Martin & Sylvia's Nature School

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Get Outside in Winter!
Martin & Sylvia's Nature School

Every Thursday Martin goes to the Goose-eye Wilderness School, while Sylvia and her friend Sophia create a Nature Home-school. From wild craft cooking to outdoor games to building projects to tree identification, Nature School will be a year of unfolding learning and fun.

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Your Monthly Guide to Sparkle Adventures
Monthly Picks for Stories and Activities

The January 2025 Story Calendar

Who’s ready for a fresh start? Let’s jump into the pure joy of winter with thrilling stories, sweet rest, and purposeful intentions. Our January 2025 Story Calendar offers loads of crafty ideas and delightful games for snowy months. Download our calendar and get ready to Sparkle!

This Week's Free Story
Guardian of the Junkyard

The Guardian of the Junkyard

The Guardian of the Junkyard

Storytime for Cold Days
Our Best Wintery Stories

Let's Make Stuff
Cozy Winter Recipes and Projects

Sparkle Kitchen: Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

This roasted tomato basil soup is the coziest thing for a cold day. Because it's winter, I use canned tomatoes instead of fresh, but throwing them into a warm oven to roast for a few hours gives them a July kind of sweetness

Nature School Project: Raising Kids Who Love Winter

We are joined by Nicoletta of Wilder Child, who is sharing tips on how to raise children who love winter.

Sparkle Kitchen: Arctic Cookout

Depending on where you live in the world, it may feel like you’ve been transplanted to the Arctic right now, so why not follow Martin and Sylvia’s lead and host an Arctic cookout?

Sparkle Craft: Pocket Hand Warmers

We've created a fun tutorial for these very easy-to-make pocket hand warmers. Just pop them in the microwave or in a low oven for a few moments to warm up the rice or beans inside. They will stay warm for quite awhile and that will help keep little fingers nice and toasty — and hopefully help your family enjoy the outside longer.

Nature School Project: Evergreen Paint Brushes

Making evergreen brushes like Sylvia and Sofia is just as easy as it sounds. You'll want to collect three or four different types of evergreens to make these paint brushes. We used juniper, ponderosa, pinion pine. Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what you can find!

Winter Nature Table Tips

A nature table is a great way to bring nature-inspired learning right into your home. We’ll walk you through some helpful tips that will help you to inspire your children to learn about and interact with the natural world in their everyday rhythms.

Featured Topics
Our Best Topics for January!

Cooking & Baking
Cooking & Baking
Sparkle Sleepytime - en español

Our Newest Collection!
Sparkle Sleepytime - en español

Ya sea durante los largos y activos días del verano o los más cortos y ajetreados días del invierno, a veces nuestros pequeños necesitan ayuda para bajar el ritmo. Las historias de Sparkle Sleepytime son sencillas, suaves y lentas, contadas con el objetivo de dar la bienvenida a los pequeños y mayores a un momento de descanso o de sueño. Cada cuento presenta a un adorable animalito en una dulce aventura, y todos terminan con los animales acurrucándose en sus madrigueras, nidos o camas de plumas, listos para cerrar los ojos y quedarse dormidos. Esta serie es perfecta para la hora de la siesta, los ratos de tranquilidad y la hora de dormir, o para cualquier momento en el que desees una historia particularmente tranquila y relajante para tus pequeños.

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Listener Favorites
Listener Favorites

Libby & Dish

Libby & Dish

The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One)

The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One)

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

Windward Ho!

Windward Ho!

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Not sure where to start?

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