Libby & Dish: Dish's Inside-Outside Adventure

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Libby & Dish: Dish's Inside-Outside Adventure

When Libby leaves Dish at home for the day, Dish begins to reminisce about the outdoor explorations of his youthful years as a city cat. With help from Chad the neighbor dog, Dish embarks on an “outside” adventure that satisfies his craving for excitement and bonds him with a crew of new animal friends.

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Your Monthly Guide to Sparkle Adventures
Monthly Picks for Stories and Activities

The March 2025 Story Calendar

We’re drawing closer to spring every day! March offers opportunities freshen up our homes and our hearts — and the spring equinox offers a great moment for a new start. Download our March 2025 Story Calendar and get ready to Sparkle!

You Are Powerful
Stories to Show You Your Own Strength

The Resilient Little Bluebird

The Resilient Little Bluebird

Feeling So Strong!
Projects that Make Us Remember Who We Are

Sparkle Craft: “Bravery-in-a-Box” Travel Photo Frame

Made from an empty Altoids tin, this travel photo frame will let you bring your friends with you, along with a few other tidbits and words to help you feel brave.

Sparkle Craft: Painted Story Seashells

Inspire some impromptu storytelling with these painted seashells, just like Martin and Sylvia in the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story, “Sudden Story.”

Sparkle Crafts: Story Starting Cards

At our house, Sparkle Stories are often listened to in marathon sessions on days when my older kid finds herself couch-bound for a period of time due to inclement weather, or perhaps a case of the sniffles.

Sparkle Craft: Felt Storytelling Board

Make a felt board to support kids' storytelling, giving them a chance to bring their stories to life. Inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story, “When Pigs Fly."

Projects for the Spring Equinox
Celebrate Spring

Celebrating Spring Equinox

How do you include the Spring Equinox in your life? Easy! Get outside, make crafts from natural materials, and forage for spring greens to eat.

Featured Topics
Our Best Topics for March!

Outdoor Play: Mud!
Outdoor Play: Mud!
Sparkle Sleepytime - en español

Our Newest Collection!
Sparkle Sleepytime - en español

Ya sea durante los largos y activos días del verano o los más cortos y ajetreados días del invierno, a veces nuestros pequeños necesitan ayuda para bajar el ritmo. Las historias de Sparkle Sleepytime son sencillas, suaves y lentas, contadas con el objetivo de dar la bienvenida a los pequeños y mayores a un momento de descanso o de sueño. Cada cuento presenta a un adorable animalito en una dulce aventura, y todos terminan con los animales acurrucándose en sus madrigueras, nidos o camas de plumas, listos para cerrar los ojos y quedarse dormidos. Esta serie es perfecta para la hora de la siesta, los ratos de tranquilidad y la hora de dormir, o para cualquier momento en el que desees una historia particularmente tranquila y relajante para tus pequeños.

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Listener Favorites
Listener Favorites

Libby & Dish

Libby & Dish

The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One)

The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One)

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One)

Windward Ho!

Windward Ho!

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Not sure where to start?

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