What Sparkle Mamas Want for Mother's Day
We recently asked our Sparkle Team and our Sparklers on social media this question:
If you could do anything for Mother's Day, what would you do?
Money is no object and you won't feel any guilt. How would you spend your day?
We got some really fun answers. We hope they inspire your own real Mother's Day celebrations!
Mamas Want Time Outside
Many mamas mentioned hikes, gardening, bike rides, and swimming. Examples include:
"Spend the day outside. Maybe some gardening and a hike with dinner on the grill." ~ Michelle on FB
"I would do a sunrise hike up Mount Timpanogos, the highest peak in the Wasatches. Then I would spend the rest of the day gardening and eating only food from my garden. I would end the day with a fancy massage and a dip in a hot spring." ~ KC, Sparkle Media Manager
"Spend the day playing and swimming with my kids! Mimosas and breakfast tacos. Hang somewhere outdoors with friends and kids and live music." ~ Amelia on FB
"A picnic day with some wine and a cheese plate after I spend my morning working on my backyard and my vegetable garden." ~ @fvuilleumier on IG
Mamas Want Rest
Of course, many, many mamas mentioned naps and extra sleep, including:
"Sleep and have someone give me my coffee in bed." ~ Jennifer on FB
"Sleep in the warm soft grass." ~ @mydirtkid on IG
"Cuddle with my daughter in the morning for extra time." ~ Ileana on FB
"I really just want an uninterrupted block of sleep when I know everyone is happy and safe!" ~ @thiswholefamily on IG
Mamas Want Time to Do Whatever They Want to Do
"Spend all day uninterrupted updating baby books and recording family stories." ~ Nic on FB
"Nothing. Just nothing." -Katy on FB
"Go for a long hike or a bike ride by myself in the woods..." ~ @asher.and.oak.at.home on IG
"Sew sew sew (while listening to an audiobook) in my sewing room that was miraculously not taken over by way too many kids clothes 😂..." ~ @salmonandsouvlaki on IG
"Go for a hike, then spend the rest of the day sewing a dress for myself." ~ @jillboruff on IG
Mamas Want to Be Free From Everyday Tasks
We all want a break from the normal routine of house work! These sounded particularly yummy:
"A yummy dinner that I didn’t have to cook or clean up after." ~ Jess on FB
"I plan to wake before my family and practice yoga on my own with a cup of tea, then my husband will make some sort of delicious breakfast and clean the dishes.." ~ @rainbowmiller on IG
"Laid out by a pool with poolside service, while my husband watches the children, then my sisters next to me." ~ @chasingwildones on IG
"...have a giant, beautiful picnic. None of which I had to create or pack, nor will I have to clean up." - Lisabeth, Sparkle CEO
Mamas Want Order
Clean and tidy houses can be so satisfying! Here's what Sparkle mamas said:
"Have someone come clean my house and spend the entire day outside with my kiddos." ~ @jaymemarge on IG
"Have a totally and completely organized house." ~ @everythingwithheart on IG
"Have someone clean my house from top to bottom." ~ Jamie on FB
Mamas Want Adventures
There were so many luscious ideas for big adventures. These are some of our favorites:
"I am instantly transported to Paris with my family where we eat croissants and go to Ladurée for hot chocolate. Then we walk for miles along the Seine (with no complaints and perfect weather) and wander into small bookstores here and there. We end up meeting famous chef and cookbook author David Lebovitz who promptly invites us over for a home-cooked meal during which I am very witty and have perfect lipstick." ~ Ann, Sparkle Editor
"I would wake up early, leave my baby and husband home, hop on a private airplane (that could pick me up minutes from my home), and land a few hundred miles away at the pond near my grandparents former home where I would spend the day in the sun reading a whole book, swimming in the soft water, napping in the shade, and taking in all the quiet. And just as easily as I got there I would hop back on the plane and be home in a mere couple of hours, relaxed and rejuvenated with my heart filled. Oh, how I wish this could be my real mother’s day!" ~ @mollyinred on IG
"Go to my favorite amusement park to ride my favorite ride with my daughter." ~ Michelle on FB
"Spend the day with my family on the white sandy beaches of St. John in the US Virgin Islands." ~ @erinmangal on IG
"Fly to Maui for a very long weekend and spend the day surfing and napping." ~ @yotalumawifey on IG
"I would want to spend the morning strolling in a botanical or Japanese garden. Then, I’d have a picnic with a tea ceremony under a willow tree🤗 I’d follow this with a walk through an impressionist exhibit at an art museum, preferably while classical music plays softly in the background. And I would finish the day with an essential oil Swedish massage, just before drifting off to sleep under a silk down filled comforter." ~ @thesimplelivingmom on IG
"Weekend away with my husband... Anywhere. Just have a break together away from the kids..." ~ @evhoek on IG
"Petting zoo. With Monkeys." ~ @tracilynnmcgrath on IG
Mamas Want Nurturing
Bring on the pampering for Mother's Day! Here are Sparkle mamas' desires:
"I’d like a massage and facial with organic beauty products." ~ @thiswholefamily on IG
"Spa day with girlfriends and a room in a fancy hotel BY MYSELF." ~ Susan, Sparkle Customer Service Manager
"Practice yoga, eat my husband’s homemade biscuits, a forest walk with my husband and our daughter, receive a massage, and take a nap...for starters." ~ Tara on FB
"A massage, breakfast out with kids, time to write and relax, BBQ supper." ~ @makinhays on IG
Mamas Want Togetherness
Many of the mamas that posted wanted time with friends, partner, family, and children! Here are some lovely images:
"I'd have a few mumma friends over for the morning to lounge at my place, fully catered with healthy foods, and then a massage for me. Then kids and husband come back for afternoon tea and hanging out, then my husband and I go on a date dinner, just us..."~ @jenish on IG
"Maybe it’s crazy to say, because I’m here every day with them, but home. With my children and husband. All 'work' aside. Just enjoying our yard and family. (There of course would be no siblings arguing, no meal clean ups to be done, and everyone would sleep all night long.)" ~ @rootsbeforepetals on IG
"I can't imagine a day without my family. So I guess a cabin, somewhere wild, a normal day together, being together, doing normal things together. For me normalcy is not boredom or stagnation, it means that we're okay in each and every way. Best gift for me, really." ~ Jenny, Sparkle Graphic Designer
"...a sumptuous brunch with my sisters..." ~ @revbevrevels on IG
"Weekend getaway with my sister and Mom." ~ @bricita on IG
"Spend the day with my mother at the Maine Botanical Gardens and then head to Alewives to buy fabric....which is exactly what we’re doing!" ~ @mamaintheforest on IG
We hope these ideas inspire a delightful and satisfying plan for your own Mother's Day!
About the Authors

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.