Sparkle Crafts
Valentine’s Day Printable Cards: Spread the Love!

Valentine’s Day Printable Cards: Spread the Love!

Valentine’s Day is a unicorn when it comes to holidays. Its origin is complicated — essentially a mix of the martyrdom of Saint Valentine (slain for carrying out his priestly duty of marrying people) and Lupercalia (a pagan festival of fertility). The Christian church maintained the “love” part of the pagan festival which developed over time to include exchanging cards of affection, often called “valentines.”

So what do you do with all of that?

Make it your own.

What makes you feel the most lit up, abundant, and love-filled? Whatever that is, do it — because it will spill over into everyone around you. And really, there are so many ways to love.

What are some things that make you feel abundant, lit up, and joy-filled? For us, it's spreading love through story! So we've created some brand new printable Valentine's Day Cards to help us do just that. Won't you join us? This year, instead of candy or chocolate or disposable gifts, we are inviting Sparklers to share your love with stories!

These adorable cards include a scannable QR code so that families can enjoy an hour of FREE listening.

You can download these printables in color or black and white.

Keep reading below for some of our best tips on cultivating that abundance!

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For example: Love your littles: build a day in which you let them take the lead completely. What do they want to do? Give in to the continuous (and maybe a little chaotic) inspiration. For some inspiration to get their minds churning, let them explore these ideas to get you moving or this fun list of 55 things to do instead of screens.

Love your furry critters: get outside and roll in the grass. Find the nearest dog park. Make special treats just for them. Try one (or more!) of these cozy treats for our animal friends.

Love your partner: ask them to make a list of all their very favorite things to do. Pretend you’re seeing the list fresh. Pick a few and make a plan. (You can do the same for them!) If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out this giant list of date night ideas for parents.

Love your friends: leave them secret notes on their front door knobs. Email love notes to far-away friends — or even better, make a few phone calls. Sometimes simple, loving gestures from a caring, wise friend can make all the difference (and model healthy relationships for our little ones as well).

Love your neighbors: bring someone baked goods. Pop by just to say hello. Host an impromptu playdate in the yard. Look to one of these delicious pie recipes from the Sparkle Kitchen to get you started!

Love the world: do a random act of kindness. Pay for someone’s coffee or taco. Create love notes or drawings and leave them around town. Donate to a charity of your family’s choice. We’ve collected a list of ideas to inspire you.

Love yourself: do whatever YOU want, including absolutely nothing.

I’ll be on a mini-adventure, visiting a town I’ve always wanted to see. I love to pretend I’m a local — chat with strangers and eat at all the favorite spots, from the coffee shop to the best breakfast to the most locally inspired dinner. I love to fall in love with a new place.

Choose your adventure!

Here at Sparkle we have two collections dedicated to Valentine’s Day — and both are tremendously dear. Let them get you in the Valentine’s mood.

Listen to the collections: Libby & Dish's So Many Loves Martin & Sylvia's Valentines Day

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About the Author

Lisabeth Sewell

Doer of Many Wonderful and Odd Things (including CEO)

Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.

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