Three FREE Scripts for Magical Halloween Events
Imagine: it’s Halloween evening.
You and your children join with friends on the edge of the woods, and follow a candle-lit path, in search of the answer to an exciting mystery.
With wide and delighted eyes, your children encounter colorful characters, music and song, dancing and merriment.
When the adventure comes to an end, and you bid farewell to the woods, you and your children are filled with a bubbly sense of wonder growing from the magic that is Halloween.
Wonderful, right?
You can create this.
In your neighborhood or school. In your back-yard or field.
You don’t really need a forest, or even a bunch of fancy costumes.
All it takes is a script, some playful actor volunteers, a sense of adventure, and an intention to spark the imagination of children.
We’ve done it for the past seven years, and we know how wonderful it can be. For children AND parents.
And we have the scripts to help you!
They are free and they contain production notes to encourage you along your way.
We love Halloween. It is a night like no other. The possibilities for magic are endless. (Truly!)
We want to fill Halloween with wonder, delight, excitement and mystery. We want to draw the focus (from candy) to the magic we know is possible.
And we want to share that with as many families as we can!
Long ago, when our boys were little, we were faced with a challenge.
We wanted them to have a rich and magical Halloween, but we weren’t quite ready for the craziness that comes with trick-or-treating.
And so, with the help of our friends, we created something unique: a neighborhood Halloween event that was theatrical and story-based, filled with costumes, story and song.
And it was a HUGE success!
This event had all of the excitement of “adventuring” out on Halloween night, but was very sweet, playful and magic-focused (instead of candy-focused).
As our little traveling band of “adventurers” made their way from house to house, following the story, we attracted trick-or-treaters from the neighborhood as well, who gave up their candy-hunt to join us in our fun.
Soon, we began to produce this Halloween Event on a larger scale for our local school!
And the last two years, it was so popular, the event “sold out” days before Halloween!
Below are the three scripts from the last three years of Sparkle Halloween Events.
In each script, we’ve included production notes and ideas, so that you too can use the script to create a Halloween event at your school or in your neighborhood.
Simply pick the script you want, and download.
If you do choose to use one of our scripts, we have two simple requests:
Please give “Sparkle Stories” credit for the script.
Please let us know that you’re going to produce it.
And, of course, we’d love to hear all about what you do! Photos too!
NOW choose the SCRIPT for your neighborhood or school below.
“The Fools Tale"
In this script, the “travelers” are given the task of finding a missing Halloween ring, and in their journey, meet a whole host of colorful characters. The script is quite interactive, and filled with humor.
Here’s the story:
The Queen’s sapphire ring is missing — the one she wears to the Halloween Ball! It was lost by the Fool’s mouse, and now the Fool must find it and restore it to the Queen. Who could have it? The Falconer? The Miller? The Baker’s daughter? All of these characters – and more — will help the Fool find the precious ring.
Last year we performed it in the halls of our school! (As last minute change due to weather. But it was just as fun!) You can adapt it to your neighborhood, forest or field.
Download “The Fools Tale” HERE.
“The Wizard’s Daughter"
In this event, the “travelers” meet a host of kindly fairies, singing fools and confused royals, that have wandered out of Shakespeare’s plays and into the magical Halloween woods!
This one is also a lot of fun, and employs “Shakespearean” language. But don’t be intimidated! It’s written to be easy to perform! Feel free to improvise, and enjoy the words.
Here’s the story:
The great Wizard is creating a “Hallow’s Eve Festival in the Royal Yard – music, dancing, revelry, players and MAGIC” — for the King and his sons.
But his daughter has wandered off into the woods after the music of the Fairies, which she can plainly hear this magical night of Halloween. And she is to be crowned “Queen of Halloween” at the Festival! Without her, “the music will be muted, the dancing will pale, the players will lilt, and the magic will be snuffed”.
The children are given the task of finding the Wizard’s daughter, and undoing the spell of the Fairies’ music, so that she might return to her father and the Hallow’s Eve Festival!
In 2012, we performed it around the perimeter of the large playing field at the school, and it worked wonderfully!
Download “The Wizard’s Daughter” HERE.
“The Wily Will-o-the-Whisp”
In this script, the children are given the task of finding the mischievous “fire sprite”, retrieving the magical wand, and un-freezing the Princess and her cohorts — so that the Fairy Ball can go on. Along their way, they meet a whole host of entertaining characters, all of whom give them a clue to their search.
Here’s the story:
The lovely and kind Fairy Princess has been given a magical wand with the power to “freeze” any moving object. But a mischievous “fire sprite” stole it from her, and went about the forest playing tricks on the forest people. He has even “frozen” the Princess! The spell will wear off, of course, but not before the Fairy Ball. And so, because of his pranks, the yearly Fairy Ball may have to be cancelled!
It’s a fun little script, filled with song and rhyme — and the families LOVED it. You can adapt it to your fields, or neighborhoods, or even the halls of your school!
Download “The Wily Will-o-the-Whisp” HERE.
If you have any questions about these events, or would like production advice, don’t hesitate to email us!
And if you know a friend, school or organization that you think would enjoy these scripts, feel free to share this post!
We offer these scripts for free, as we love Halloween, and make it a Sparkle mission to bring to it as much wonder and magic as possible!
About the Author

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.