Helping & Healing
The Power of Affirmation

The Power of Affirmation

This week at Sparkle Stories, we're shifting our focus to a back-to-school mindset — and with that transition comes a shift in our perspective. Yes, the end of summer can feel a little bit sad, but a new school year brings lots of opportunities for a fresh new start. It's exciting, isn't it? We get to jump back into our more structured routines, we get to meet new people, we get to learn, we get to try new things! See how a simple shift can change the way we feel about something?

And that's the essence of affirmations — when we introduce a new word or phrase to influence our day, our week, or our year, it can really impact not only how we feel about ourselves, but also how we perceive life. Lisabeth talks about the concept in this week's newsletter too. You can read that here! Affirmations are a really powerful tool for helping to build self-esteem and resilience in not only children, but also adults!

This is why we wanted to create a special collection of Sparkle Stories Affirmation Cards for YOU, dear Sparklers. This collection was inspired by some of our wonderful Sparkle Stories characters, but they are yours to own and use as you wish!
SparkleStories AffirmationCards
Download the Sparkle Affirmation Cards here.

An important note: Repetition is very important with affirmations, so we encourage the practice of repeating your chosen affirmation three times each morning and, if you have the space, three times each evening too! THIS is how the words will really start to resonate and inspire how you see yourself in relation to the world around you.

Here are a few ideas for how you can use them! First things first — make sure you print them out and cut each one out individually.

Create a Joy Jar!

Sparkle Affirmations - Joy Jar

Grab a jar (an old jam jar works great!) and place them all inside. You can call it your Joy Jar or your Affirmation Jar, whatever feels right to you. Start the week by having each family member pick one and let that influence the week ahead.

Select the One that Calls to You

Sparkle Affirmation Cards - On Table

Lay them all out and have each person pick the first one they feel called to. Have an open discussion about your affirmation and how it makes you feel and how you intend to practice it.

Sparkle Affirmation Cards - Selection

Put One in Your Kids' Lunch Boxes for a Midday Pick-Me-Up!

Sparkle Affirmation Cards - Lunch Box

Pick one that you feel might be of use for your child and pop it into their school lunch box. It's a lovely little surprise that might help to shift their mood or perspective that day (or week)!

Post One on Your Fridge or Bathroom Mirror!

Sparkle Affirmations Cards - On Fridge

Once you have your affirmation selected for the week (or day, or month!) ahead, post it in a place that you frequent often, somewhere that will prompt you to pause and reflect and take in the words. Try your fridge, your bathroom mirror, or maybe even on your computer. When you see it, be sure to repeat the words and let them sink in for a moment.

We hope this helps you as you transition into a new school year and beyond!

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About the Author

Trish Montle

Creative Content Manager

Trish is a social media manager, creator, copywriter, and mother of two small humans and three fur-babies. She lives in Collingwood, Ontario (Canada) surrounded by the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay.

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