Storybox Playlist
Emergency Rest Time Toolkit: Stories to Help Kids Slow Down

Emergency Rest Time Toolkit: Stories to Help Kids Slow Down

As a kid, do you remember never wanting to nap or slow down? There was just too much to do — too many trees to climb, books to read, art to make. As adults, we see the wisdom in slowing down and resting (even if we don’t always practice this). Rest in the afternoon is particularly imperative for our sanity — especially if you are a parent! In our fast-paced modern world, full of after-school activities and screen time, rest time is needed now more than ever to reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones.

But what about when rest doesn’t come as easily?

The increased stress of modern living impacts children as well as adults. We are habituated to being stimulated and geared up. Our culture pushes us to be constantly plugged-in and to overextend ourselves. Furthermore, as a society we often lack focus on effective stress management skills. Our nervous systems are overstimulated.

Our bodies do best when our nervous systems are settled and regulated. They sleep more easily, absorb nutrients more efficiently, repair and heal more quickly, and we just FEEL better. Our minds are more clear. Creativity flows.

There are all sorts of wonderful hacks to helping bodies settle so they can truly rest and enjoy down time. Below you’ll find our best stories to help model and explore rest, as well as links to helpful tools and resources to help kids center and ground.

Let us know what you think, as well as what helps your own family! We always love to hear from you. Send us an email or find us on Instagram and Facebook.

The Dark: Getting Grounded in Our Bodies

In this story, Martin is feeling nervous. He can’t see as well at night, and he worries about shadows and things he doesn’t notice in the dark. All of it makes it difficult for him to go to sleep at bedtime.

Momma encourages him to use his other senses and guides him through a hearing, smelling, and feeling exercise that not only reassures him, but relaxes him enough to fall deeply asleep.

For more support and to learn practical ways in which children can ground themselves in their bodies when they are feeling “out of sorts”, check out this previous episode of the SparkleCast with Sensei Jonathan Hewitt.

The Dark

The Dark

Sound of the Shankh: Soothing and Comforting a Troubled Child

In “Sound of the Shankh,” three stories unexpectedly converge through the powerful call of a conch shell. What emerges isn’t just community … but magic.

This story, crafted by way of a conversation between David Sewell McCann and Justin Hilton through The Storying Project podcast, offers a message for children today: Everything is going to be okay.

During the conversation, Justin reflects that when his children ask, “Is everything going to be okay?” they are not asking only about the situation at hand. Instead, they are often checking that the parent-child connection is strong and secure.

Consequently, the story he and David craft focuses on creating a sense of safety for kids. For more, listen to the episode.

The Gift of the Echo Fairy: Spending time in Nature to Soothe and Rest

One way to help encourage and soothe an overwhelmed system is through spending time in nature. In this story from the So Many Fairies collection, Caldor and his son Dag learn this valuable lesson.

The two of them seek the nature spirit of Echo Canyon. It is said that this spirit can answer any question — and the travelers have one that may affect the future of their village. When they get there, Dag is able to connect with this nature spirit through authentic service, and not only help his community, but establish a bond with nature.

For a practical guide to help kids connect with their environments and the natural world, explore the Sit Spot Tutorial from the Sparkle Blog, as well as the related Martin & Sylvia story.

Go-to-Sleep Fairy: Help Getting Your Child to Sleep

In “Go-to-Sleep Fairy,” Martin is grumpy — he simply hasn’t been getting enough sleep. He explains to Momma that he is just not sleepy at night. Everyone has some advice, from warm milk to special stories, but it is his sister who saves the day (or night!) with her delightful introduction to the go-to-sleep fairy.

Morning Flying Lessons: Embodied Delight

In “Morning Flying Lessons,” Dish teaches Libby how to feel her entire body and imagine what it is like to actually float off the ground. There are a few kinks to work out but the result is a full, embodied sense of lightness that is very satisfying to Libby and to any child listening!

Upside Down Right Side Up: How to Help Others by Helping Yourself

In part two of Dish’s Flying Lesson instructions, Libby learns how to invite others into the embodied delight that comes with “flying.” When Libby’s mother experiences a difficult day, Libby is determined to help set things right. But after things go awry, Dish offers a suggestion that might bring balance to the whole family.

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