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“Sparkly” New Android App for Children’s Audio Stories

 “Sparkly” New Android App for Children’s Audio Stories

We are delighted to watch the expansion of our vision to create audio content for kids that parents can feel good about! Sparkle Stories will soon launch the new Android App for children’s audio stories. Since the first release, this app has undergone a complete redesign and launch! Our developers have been hard at work, refining the design for this new app to give our Android users an excellent tool that allows your mobile Sparkle Stories experience to be seamless and intuitive.

As a small business, we have had to ask our fellow Sparklers to be patient as our community has grown. Building something new from scratch often means learning as you go (and grow!). Android-using Sparklers, you have been the most patient of all! We hope you love this new app as much as we do. Read about all the exciting features and watch helpful tutorials below.

The new app gives Android users a whole new way to enjoy Sparkle Stories online and the ability to listen to previously downloaded stories while offline. You can watch this helpful Offline Listening Tutorial, in which David demonstrates how to listen to stories on the go!

This is not just an update of the old Android application some of you may remember. It is completely new — redone from the ground up to provide the same great experience that iOS users have raved about. We hope this fulfills all your wishes and dreams.

Major updates in this new release: - A "docked" story player. You can now play a story while navigating the app, and even other apps. - An option for a full screen player. Swipe right and left to go to the previous and next stories. Swipe down to hide the player and go back. - Offline listening is now faster and easier. - Remember your place in each story. - Dedicated page for each story, with easy access to related stories. Plus, you'll have the story descriptions at your fingertips. - Dedicated collection page. Easily find all the stories in a collection. - Bottom tab bar for easier navigation. - Faster search.

We can't wait for you to try it!

Our team is passionate about making your Sparkle experience the best it can be. We are excited to announce our plan to not merely implement bug or stability fixes, but to add new features coming soon! This new Android App will have the same level of support and development our Web and iOS apps have benefited from. Our goal is simple: no matter the device you use — iOS, Android, or Web — the technology will make finding and listening to Sparkle Stories the best experience it can be. Soon, that experience will include an Android App for Children’s Audio Stories!

Sparkle Tip:

YOUR FAVORITE STORIES ARE EASILY SHAREABLE! The button on the bottom right corner of each story will bring up a pop-up menu where you can choose where you’d like to share — send any story through email or share on your social media accounts. We’ll be rolling out some additional sharing features soon — keep on the lookout!

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