Sparkle Weekly Wanderings: Happy Thanksgiving
As America launches into the season of gift giving and getting (and do consider the gift of stories this year - see below for big sale), I’d like to take a breath and talk about gratitude.
Gratitude is the solution to just about any challenge. Think about it: you can’t feel rage, resentment, or fear when you are also feeling gratitude. When gratitude is present, it is very difficult to lie, cheat, or steal. If you have gratitude in your heart, it is very likely that you are also feeling satisfaction, freedom, and love. It is hard to appreciate beauty without gratitude — and it is so much easier to meet new people, try new things, do something brave, and manage conflict when you feel gratitude. It takes any situation and makes it worlds better — don’t you think?
And isn’t it remarkable that the world we live in — a world of abundance, privilege, and opportunity — somehow makes it difficult to access gratitude? We have so much and yet we spend so little time and energy appreciating what we have. This is not just a problem for the rich, as so many studies have posited. I believe a lack of gratitude is present in all demographics — and especially in today’s youth.
But don’t despair — there is a very easy solution to this.
It just takes practice. And when your children see you practicing, they will follow. It’s just like anything else. If you are stressed and full of complaints, they will be too. But if you listen to this week’s playlist and then try some of the suggestions in each of the stories, you’ll make way for the healing and transformative power … of gratitude.
Now let’s all buy some gifts!
About the Author

David Sewell McCann
David Sewell McCann fell in love with spinning stories in first grade – the day a storyteller came to his class and captured his mind and imagination. He has been engaged in storytelling all of his adult life through painting, film-making, teaching and performing. Out of his experience as a Waldorf elementary class teacher and parent, he has developed a four step method of intuitive storytelling, which he now shares through workshops and through this website.