Sparkle Schoolhouse
Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Whatever the Power I Have"

Exploring the Dry Gables Series - "Whatever the Power I Have"

The stories from the two Dry Gables Series include an accompanying post from the Sparkle Schoolhouse Educator, Meredith Markow. Each post offers insights into the characters and dynamics of the stories, along with suggestions for how to use the stories as parenting or teaching tools!

Greetings Sparkle Friends! Pull up a chair, stoke the irons of your fire and come spend some time with Dry Gable’s blacksmith and chief protector, Johann Bauer, in the story "Whatever Power I Have" from the Dry Gables: Hands Together collection.

Johann is self-confident, strong and assertive. He will stand up for what he needs and wants, but more importantly, he will stand up for the rights the needs of others. Johann is passionate about his beliefs, he is decisive and authoritative, and he takes initiative to champion the people he most cares about.

Johann is saying: “I want to protect!”

Johann says to Lakota brave, Iron Eyes:

“To live in peace is to live respecting those around you. Who they are. It is taking care of each other and offering our gifts and strengths to the community so that all may live well – together.”

Iron Eyes narrowed his gaze for a moment and said, “And what of those who threaten that peace – of those who wish to take what you have?”

“As I said – we take care of each other,” answered Johann.

Johann is the first to protect and empower others, and while he does not easily show his soft side, there is storehouse of compassion that lives deep in his hearts, sometimes to such a degree that in order to defend those whom they love, he feels he has no choice but to fight for them and their rights.

When the news of Wounded Knee came to Dry Gables, everyone was devastated – but it seemed to hit Johann particularly hard…but apparently Johann went into such a rage that he nearly destroyed his own forge. His shouts could be heard throughout Dry Gables and when he finally emerged from the wreckage he had created, he demanded Jane give him one of his horses.

“They will pay!” he shouted, “They will pay for what they have done to my friends!”

It is the sweetness, the goodness, the charity and generosity that Liesl Herz offers to Johann that helps him to harness his rage into service. She convinces him that while he may absolutely want to fight, and even may have a right to do so, that the most effective and truly helpful thing that he can do is to care for those who need tending to rather than doing harm.

Liesl said to him with similar fury in her eyes, “Yes – you are ready to fight – you are ready to do battle for our friends, Johann and I believe you – I believe you could show the soldiers how wrong they were – you could show them how important our friends were to us and others. And you would avenge them, Johann, I know this.”

Johann nodded his head – grateful that someone understood his fury and rage and powerful intentions.

But then Liesl shifted. She came close to him – looked him in the eyes and said, “But I wonder if we should help the wounded first. Help those who need us now – more than ever”

Our Liesl says to Johann, “Care for others.”

Our Liesls help our angry Johanns become more openhearted and caring. She helps him to use whatever power he has to nurture others as individuals and to identify with, rather than against, others and ultimately to see himself as a servant to others.

What we hope for our Johanns is they can turn their anger into compassion and the will to serve and help others.

Liesl will help him to do that. When you notice your little Johann garnering his anger in ways that cross the divide from protection into aggression, you may need to have him spend a little time doing the things Liesl would have him do.

Here’s what you can do to bring a little Liesl to your Johann:

  • Leadership and Compassion! Tell your Johann a story of your own, OR use a Sparkle Story to give your Johann real-life and creative examples of stories of true power in the form of leadership and compassion. (Put the key words “Leadership” or “Compassion” into the search box at the top of the page.) Read to or tell them age appropriate stories about Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, Desmond Tutu, Gandhi…there’s a long list of brave and powerful leaders who guided without harming.

  • Over-do for the Underdog! Choose a cause that needs your Johann’s help. Then commit yourself, with him, to serve and make a difference. Your Johann wants to act. So, act…and then see what happens. Take note of the fruits of his good deeds.

  • Leave Him Be… when your Johann is really stirred up, let him be stirred up. Don’t try to talk him down. Don’t try to use words to convince him to be calm. He is fighting for the Good and Championing Against the Wrong. This is not the time to soothe. Just let him feel all that he feels, but don’t let him act. Once he calms down, then from a more rational place, you can talk about how to transform the mad feeling into caring action.

  • Random Acts of Kindness! Serve your Community! Lend a Hand! Do something for others. Bake. Cook. Weed. Clear. Doesn’t matter. Just do it for others. Do it anonymously, even. How does your heart feel after that? It’s hygienic, and will give your Johann a reserve to draw on when the fight feels big. Each small act builds into making a huge difference.

Our Johanns need our Liesls!

Hands Together!

Liesl helps Johann to turn his anger into acts of caring.

She reminds him that his strength brings responsibility toward others and must be used with compassion and humility.

About the Author

Meredith Markow

Sparkle Schoolhouse Head of School

Meredith has been working with adults and children of all ages for the past 25 years as a Waldorf Teacher and Educational Consultant. She received a B.A. with a focus on child development and child psychology from the University of Michigan, in 1984, an M.A. Ed from Washington University in 1987, and her Waldorf Teaching Certificate from the Lehrerausbildung (Teacher Training) in Nurnberg, Germany in 1989. She was certified as a Living Inquiries Facilitator in 2014, and she completed her formal teaching certification with The Enneagram Institute in 2014. Her work in the classroom and with individuals and groups is designed to help people of all ages to drop self-limiting beliefs to live a more joyful and compassionate life.

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