Sparkle Kitchen Round Up: Let's Make Fairy Food!
Last summer, we brought you a month of fairy foods. Each week, we rounded up different types of favorite delicacies as we considered the tastes of earth fairies, water fairies, fire fairies, and air fairies. Today, we're gathering all those round-ups together into one place so you can easily find them all. We encourage you to explore one different fairy food a day this week if you can.
What Earth Fairies Eat Earth Fairies are gnomes. They govern the roots and that which happens under ground.
They have a melancholic temperament. Moody, sensative, frowny, harsh. They feel everything and are often uncomfortable. But they are also highly empathetic and kind.
They are winter — all the work is underground. Heady, smart, and thin — work, work, work.
Earth fairies enjoy hearty meals. We've picked out four that we think any earth fairy would love to share with the kids they meet.
What Fire Fairies Eat Fire fairies have a special fondness for fruit and its changeable, ripening qualities. These recipes will give you a few ideas for melding fruit and fire together.
What Air Fairies Eat
Air fairies govern the leaves and flowers of plants. They have a sanguine temperament — changeable, distracted, happy, curious, flighty, talkative, bright, and shiny.
They are communication — nerves — transport — speed. Their energy speeds them along into the realm of making connections.
Let's explore the air fairies in our environments through some carefully-chosen recipes.
What Water Fairies Eat
Water fairies govern the sprout and stem of a plant — lots of water moving up and down, breathing, like maple sap.
They have a phlegmatic temperament: slow, steady, living outside of time, and loving comfort ... but they can have intense tempers. They are like water, which seeks its own level and loves nothing more than to be still and float. But when provoked, they can be dangerous.
They are autumn — dreamy, sleepy, heavy, and loving naps and stillness.
Get to know the water fairies around you by exploring a few treats that are especially suitable for water fairies.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.