Sparkle Kitchen: Healthy Winter Drinks Round Up
In this week's So Many Fairies story, "Benno and the Nymph," a poor farm family sails across the sea to seek a new life of possibility. When they finally arrive, they see that the land is parched and there is no water in sight. But Benno, the farm boy, smells something familiar - it is the smell of the hillside spring near their old home. What he doesn't know is that the water nymph from that spring has followed them and is ready to help.
Just as water brings life to the farm family, teas can help us during the winter season to feel better. Often when I am feeling a little down or out of sorts, I'll make a nice herbal tea to boost my spirits and give me the energy I need to carry on. These teas are great for your body without the added side effects of caffeine, so children can drink them, too. I've rounded up four healthy teas from our Sparkle Kitchen archives to share with you all. I hope they bring you some comfort as well.
Citrus Tea
This tea is just what your family needs when winter is cold and grey — a nice dose of citrus and color. This is a really tasty tea, so you'll definitely want to make extra.
Evergreen Tea
There are many reasons to make a steaming cup of evergreen tea. A cold, rainy day can be reason enough to make a warm pot, rejuvenating cold fingers and chilly bodies. The taste, especially with honey and spruce needles, is like drinking a delicious, sweet Christmas tree.
Mineral Rich Tea
Nettle, raspberry leaf, tulsi, and more. This tea is so good for you and tastes even better. The fresh verdant flavors will boost your grit for even the grayest of days.
Egyptian Hibiscus Tea
This tea is perfect for when you need some serious up lifting with color. The fresh floral flavors will delight your tongue, too.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.