Sparkle Kitchen: Comfort Food Round Up
Comfort food. Do you ever wonder why food can be so comforting when we are feeling homesick or nostalgic? Just think:
Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing. A chocolate birthday cake. A rich stew on a cold night in the middle of the winter. Barbequed ribs on the Fourth of July.
When we have a good experience with food and we enjoy that food, our brains release a wonderful mix of neurotransmittors that tell us that this food is good for us, making us feel happy and comforted. Certain foods can remind us of a favorite family member, a best friend, or a special vacation. These comfort food can make us feel better when we are sick, too.
To go along with this week's themes of compassion and understanding hurt, I've compiled nine Sparkle comfort food recipes.
Mac and Cheese
At the top of the list is mac and cheese. It is the quintessential childhood comfort food: warm, cheesy, salty, and just plain delicious. Our Sparkle recipe is a nice upgrade from the boxed kind we all used to have as kids. Treat your family to this version and they are sure to love it too.
Gumbo is a spicy stew of sausage and seafood and okra. This southern dish is sure to have you coming back for more and will sustain you through whatever life brings you.
Soul Soothing Noodles
When I think of being sick, I think of a bowl of noodle soup with a nourishing broth. When you are feeling down and need some extra care, these noodles will do the trick.
Turkey Shepherd's Pie
Shepherd's pie is one of my most favorite comfort foods. The stew can be modified easily to suit your tastes and the mashed potato topping is always a sure-fire hit. It's one of my favorite uses for turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving.
Polenta is a hearty, savory dish that can be topped with anything. Polenta reminds me of my family in Italy. During the winter, we would gather together and make a huge pot of polenta and invite the whole family and nearby friends. Everyone brought a sauce to top it with. It comforts me every time I think of it.
French Toast
French toast looks fancy but it's easy to make and can show the people you love just how much you care for them. Our version is total decadence made with brioche bread and topped with homemade berry compote.
Paella, like many comfort foods, is a throw-in-all-the-stuff kind of dish. It has something to please every taste. This dish is sure to warm the hearts and bellies of your whole family.
Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches
When you are feeling tired, there is nothing like an ice cream sandwich to bring you back up. I remember playing all day with my cousins in the summertime and inevitably feeling wilted by the afternoon heat. My grandmother would come outside with cookies and two kinds of ice cream — and we'd make our own ice cream sandwiches. I'll remember those times forever with such joy. This Sparkle version made with homemade peanut butter cookies will definitely become a family favorite!
Butternut Squash Chili
I don't know a single person that doesn't have a good memory of a chunky chili. Be it meat and beans or all veggies, chili is the ultimate comfort food. The spices are warming and it fills you right up, keeping your body satisfied for long afterward. Plus, the flavors meld with time, actually improving the taste of the chili by the next day.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.