10 Super Fast Halloween Costume Ideas!

10 Super Fast Halloween Costume Ideas!

Halloween is the best time of the year to dress up! Like the kids from the So Many Fairies Halloween Stories Collection, costumes have the power to transform us into something new — and what's more magical and powerful than that?

But sometimes, our kiddos have a last-minute change of heart ("Witches are so last week, Mom!") Or, maybe we've left our costume-creating and crafting to the last minute — because, LIFE! But fret not, dear Sparklers! We've curated an extra-special collection of spooktacular and SPEEDY costume tutorials (three cheers for no-sew crafting!) to help you create a very Sparkle-y Halloween. Some costume ideas are from us here at Sparkle and some are from other lovely creators we sourced. Dress like Martin the Magician, or Libby with her Mask of On-and-Off Invisibility — and so much more!

And now, without further ado, here are 10 Spooktactular and Speedy (and Sparkly!) costume ideas.

We hope this helps!

recycled mask of on and off invisibility 11 | www.sparklestories.com| libby &dish

Mask of On-and-Off Invisibility

This craft is inspired both by Libby's Mask of On-and-Off Invisibility and by Libby's housewarming gift to Juan Paco. It's a recycled Mask of On-and-Off Invisibility. Create your own mask and dress up like Libby from the Libby & Dish story "A Remarkable Discovery"!

Find the tutorial HERE.

magician's cloak 10 | www.sparklestories.com| by thistle by thimble

Magician's Cape

If you your child loves magic and wizards or magicians, this cape is the best. Quick to put together and worth hours of fun, it is inspired by Septimo from the the By Thistle By Thimble story "The Trick and the Treat."

Find the tutorial HERE.

No Sew Customizable Cape Tutorial

Superhero Capes

These Superhero Capes are great for last minute costumes that kids can create themselves. Simply cut and velcro to create a unique cape for any kind of hero.

Find the tutorial HERE.

quick, low-sew wings 14 |www.sparklestories.com| martin & sylvia: more adventures!

Low-Sew Wings

These wings were inspired by Martin's use of imagination in the Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures! story "How To Fly." Make these super-quick wings in any color your child can imagine. Be a butterfly or a bat or blue bird or even a bright orange dragon!

Find the tutorial HERE.

DIY Pirate Costume

DIY Pirate Costume

Pirates are a big deal here at Sparkle HQ, so this Halloween we thought it only fitting to craft a DIY Pirate Costume (inspired by the Martin & Sylvia story "Pirates"). It's super-fast to whip together and requires no sewing! This craft will have your kids saying “Yo ho ho” and “Shiver me timbers!” this spooky season.

DIY your own pirate costume HERE.

Mouse Mask Craft
Photo Credit: Fantastic Fun and Learning | www.fantasticfunandlearning.com

No-Sew Mouse Mask

This year you can go as Georgia Bean from the Junkyard Tales with this super-sweet (and easy!) no-sew felted mouse mask from Fantastic Fun and Learning — complete with whiskers! All you need is a gray shirt and pants — bonus points if you have a blue dress or smock, just like Georgia Bean!

Learn how to make a Mouse Mask HERE.

Ladybug Wings Costume
Photo Credit: No Time for Flashcards | www.notimeforflashcards.com

Ladybug Wings Costume

We here at Sparkle Stories are big on ladybugs, so it was a no-brainer that we needed to include a ladybug costume idea into this round-up and this super sweet (and simple!) Ladybug Wings Costume by No Time For Flashcards absolutely fit the bill. You could even take this costume one step further and Sparkle-ify it into a ladybug fairy costume, like in our So Many Fairies story, "The Ladybugs in the Window." All you'd need to add is a wand! If you don't have one already, we like this super quick one by DIY World.

Craft your own Ladybug Wings HERE.

Last Minute Owl Costume
Photo Credit: Alpha Mom & Ellen Luckett Baker | www.alphamom.com

Last-Minute Kids Owl Costume

Whooooo wouldn't want to go as a wise and wonder-filled owl this Halloween!? Owls pop up in a number of our stories, but we particularly like the Junkyard Tales story "The Lost and Lonely Owl." When we stumbled upon this adorable Last-Minute Kids Owl Costume on Alpha Moms we knew we had to include it! All it takes is an old t-shirt, permanent fabric glue, a little bit of creativity — and voilà!

Learn how to create your own Kids Owl Costume HERE.

Space Alien Costume
Photo Credit: Ladyland | www.thisisladyland.com

The Space Alien

In compiling this round-up, one top priority was to include a quick and easy alien costume concept — something that can pay homage to our fun and quirky Nebraska Family from the Life as a Martian Collection! And this super-easy and kid-friendly Space Alien Costume by Ladyland absolutely fits the bill.

Learn how to craft your own Space Alien Headband HERE.

No-Sew Dragon Mask and Cape
Photo Credit: Lia Griffith | www.liagriffith.com

No-Sew Dragon Mask and Cape!

Okay, this No-Sew Dragon Mask and Cape by Lia Griffith is suuuuper cool and even better, easy to make! All you need is some felt, some up-cycled fabric, scissors, and some fabric glue (and a little bit of elbow grease) — and you've got yourself a fire-breathing dragon! The best part about this DIY is that you can customize it to meet your needs!

Hot Tip: Listen to The Willowbee Tree story, "A Real Dragon" while you craft!

Learn how to create your own Dragon Mask and Cape HERE.

Looking for more costume pieces? Here are a few accessories:

Looking to make some halloween crafts? We've rounded up some good ones!

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About the Authors

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

Trish Montle

Creative Content Manager

Trish is a social media manager, creator, copywriter, and mother of two small humans and three fur-babies. She lives in Collingwood, Ontario (Canada) surrounded by the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay.

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