Sparkle Crafts
Sparkle Crafts: 4 Projects Kids Can Do Together

Sparkle Crafts: 4 Projects Kids Can Do Together

Getting siblings to work together can sometimes be very difficult…and sometimes quite easy. With that truth in mind, we searched through our archives to find a few activities that are both fun and cooperative. Make sure you have enough materials to allow each kid make their own craft and it should be a fun time for all.

1. Bird Feeders and Squirrel Feeders

This is a fun and creative way to get your kids to work together. They will love getting their hands messy and making something for the birds and squirrels in your neighborhood.

Find the tutorial HERE

bird feeder KC1

2. Milk Jug Lantern

Milk Jug Lanterns are a fun project that also comes with a walk at the end. Encourage the kids work together to make your lantern or make one for grandma and grandpa after they are done with their own. Then take a walk in the evening all togher.

Find the tutorial HERE

milk jug lanterns 5 || martin & sylvia more adventures!

3. Super Spy Fingerprint Powder

Alright, being a Spy Team sounds awesome. Invite the kids to work together to find the bandit by looking for fingerprints. They will soon forget all about their squabbles.

Find the tutorial HERE

super spy fingerprint powder 9 || martin & sylvia

4. Soap Boat Races

Sometimes sibling rivalry needs a little competition. If you have kids who just can't agree on anything, have them race it out until both kids win. By the time they are done they will be wet and giggling.

Find the tutorial HERE

soap boat race 2 || at home with martin & sylvia

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About the Author

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

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