Let's Make Fairy Houses! (So the Fairies Will Come!)
Fairy house-building is almost a given with children. If you have a few sticks and maybe a rock or two, suddenly there are fairy houses being built everywhere. Building a fairy house goes beyond just making a tiny house — it gives the child a sense of responsibility, much like how Sylvia feels about her fairy houses in the Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures! story, "Discover and Delight".
We have several ways for making fairy houses — they can be kept inside for the house elves or brownies, or you can make them outside for all the various types of nature fairies. If you make your own, please share with us on Facebook or Instagram.
Fairy Teepee
A fairy teepee is a great way to have a portable fairy house — for the fairy who can't decide what part of the yard she/he likes best. They are quick to make and can be easily saved from the rain or snow if needed.
Flower Pot Fairy House
This fairy house is great for a yard that can have a dedicated fairy house spot. These more permanent houses are wonderful opportunities for children to get outside everyday and see how things have changed and to care for it. Maybe it needs cleaning up from a windstorm or dusting off from a recent snow. Also, fairies tend to leave presents for those caring for their houses — and you never know what nature treasure you might find waiting for you.
Inside Fairy Doors
We made inside fairy doors and put them outside once, but they were immediately stolen by a squirrel ... so I do recommend putting these inside. They are lovely for rainy day fairyhouse-making. You can put them anywhere and everywhere!
Martin & Sylvia's: Saturdays! Printable Project Page: Fairy Houses
This printable page is a lovely introduction to the different kinds of fairy houses you can build using natural materials. Our family often builds them when we go camping or hiking. You can see one of our examples on the picture in the bottom right of the collage. Building with found materials is a great way to explore what does and doesn't work. There might be lots trial and error before your child gets it just right, but when they do ... magic happens.
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About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.