Sparkle Crafts
Sparkle Crafts: Fire Fairy Crafts

Sparkle Crafts: Fire Fairy Crafts

"Fire Fairies are like the sun from which they come. They carry warmth and light. They often express that warmth and light in flashes and flickers and sparkles." Just as David described on Monday, fire fairies are all about light. We've rounded up four different light related crafts to help you play with the fire fairies.

firefly habitats 11 || so many fairies

Firefly Habitats

If you are lucky enough to have fireflies where you live, you get to experience the ultimate manifestation of fire fairies. I'm pretty sure they might just be best friends. Fireflies are absolutely magical. These little habitats are a wonderful and safe way to observe firflies for a night before releasing them.

Find the tutorial HERE.

milk jug lanterns 5 || martin & sylvia more adventures!

Milk Jug Lanterns

A great time to meet fire fairies is in evening just when the sun is going to sleep. These lanterns with help light your way in dusk. They are easy enough for kiddos to make with very little supervison.

Find the tutorial HERE.

diy flying wish paper  6|| at home with martin & sylvia

DIY Flying Wish Paper

There is something magical about fire that seems to carry words and thoughts out into the world. For thousands of years, humans have used fire to communicate with one another and the worlds beyond. These flying wish papers are a wonderful way to send out your own wishes into the world.

Find the tutorial HERE.

star jars 7 || the willowbee tree

Star Jars

Want to have fire fairies in your room all night? These star jars are just the thing. They are super quick to put together and make lovely night lights or decorations.

Find the tutorial HERE.

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About the Author

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

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