Sparkle Crafts: Crafts for the Sensitive Child

Sparkle Crafts: Crafts for the Sensitive Child

Crafts for a sensitive child can be tricky. Something might be too squishy or rough or smelly or goopy or loud. I know my oldest loves the idea of slime but she can't stand to touch it. It makes her feels really emotional.

I've gathered four crafts that your sensitive child can help create and subsequently use to help them when their emotions feel too big.

simple homemade pillowcases 12 || sparkle sleepytime

Simple Homemade Pillowcases

A pillowcase is a very important item for a sensitive child. It should feel and smell and look just right. It will be a great comfort to a child who needs downtime in their room — much like Libby and her calming red cushion. Have your child help you pick the fabric that makes them feel the most comfortable and calm.

Find the tutorial HERE

recycled mask of on and off invisibility 11 || libby &dish

Recycled Masks of On and Off Invisibility

For a sensitive child, sometimes it feels better for people not to pay attention to them. These masks of invisibility don't actually make your child invisible — but they might help them feel more comfortable. These are a great afternoon project for kids to make.

Find the the tutorial HERE

“Bravery-in-a-Box” Travel Photo Frame

This travel boxes are an excellent way to include things in your child's life that might give them the boost they need, whether it's a fear of the dark or a need for something calming or soothing.

Find the tutorial HERE

sock bunny 17  || at home with martin & sylvia

Sock Bunny

A stuffed animal of some sort is close to just about everyone's heart. Both my girls have one and they help immensely in the night or when they are sad. Somehow stuffed animals have magical powers to scare off monsters or go adventures or just sit and listen to problems. These handmade sock bunnies can be made from an old t-shirt or socks or a favorite old blanket — just something that is comforting to your child.

Find the tutorial HERE

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About the Author

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

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