Sparkle Crafts
Sparkle Craft: Projects and Craft Ideas for Travel Fun!

Sparkle Craft: Projects and Craft Ideas for Travel Fun!

Thinking of ways to entertain children on road trips can be a bit of hassle. Even worse is knowing what to feed them when they ask every 15 minutes — because for some reason travel makes children twice as hungry as they normally would be.

Not to worry! Here at Sparkle, we've got lots of ways to make travel snacks and entertainment fun for everyone! All it takes is a little advance preparation before your trip and you'll be all set.


summer travel journals 1|| so many fairies

Summer Travel Journals

These journals are great for older younger children. The olders ones can write and use them like a scrap book of their travels and the younger ones can use them to draw in. Make them extra-special by customizing them for your trip with stickers and decorations that go with the theme of where you are going.

Find the tutorial HERE

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Car Ride Activities

Here is an excllent list of ideas we came up with last summer to help you travel in the car, including art boxes and magnetic white board playmats.

Find the tutorial HERE

Making an Out and About Art Box

Out and About Art Box

These art boxes are great for your little artists. Keep everything they need in one handy box. You'll never be looking around for paper and pencil while you wait for a plane!

Find the tutorial HERE


car snacks round up

Car Snacks Round Up

This round up is your ultimate go-to for great snacks for travel. They all travel well and need minimal refrigeration or none at all.

Find the recipes HERE

baguette sandwich 3 | | martin & sylvia: more adventures!

Baguette Sandwich

These baguette sandwiches are an excellent homemade version of the popular sandwich shop sandwiches you might find at a gas station or rest stop (which can be overpriced and bland). Our version is perfectly delicious, stuffed with fresh ingredients and customized according to your unique tastes!

Find the recipe HERE

road trip granola meryl

Road Trip Granola

Granola makes a healthy and easy car snack. Put it in individual snack bags and you are set. You can follow our recipe or switch out some ingredients for your favorites.

Find the recipe HERE

snack box 1 meryl

Airplane Snack Boxes

Snack boxes are probably my children's favorite part about travel. Having your food separated but with combination possibilities seems to be very fun. They look forward to the surprise foods I will put in their snack boxes when they travel. I'm sure your kids will love them too.

Find the tutorial HERE

Safe and Happy Summer Travels Sparklers!

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About the Author

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

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