Sparkle Craft: Mother's Day Coupon Wallet
In the Martin & Sylvia story “Mother's Day,” Momma doesn’t know what she wants to do for Mother’s Day. In response to her indecision, Daddy, Martin, and Sylvia come up with all sorts of ideas. Together they create a small book of options. When Momma pages through, she is delighted and amazed to discover what her perfect Mother’s Day could include!
What a wonderful idea to give Mom a Mother's Day where she can choose from the things she loves best. Whether it's special outings or extra help, I think most moms would appreciate the thoughtfulness and love behind such a gift. And often my surprise at the things my kiddos think I would like is a delight in itself.
If you would like to make a similar Mother's Day present for your own momma, this week's craft will help you do so with style. These printable Mother's Day “coupons” will work for writing and pre-writing kiddos alike. And with a pretty — and easy to make — paper wallet to contain the coupons, you'll be well on your way to a perfect Mother's Day in no time.
Mother's Day Coupon Wallet
Mother's Day coupon (printable)
Markers or crayons
1 large piece of patterned scrapbook paper
Washi tape
Small alphabet stickers
2 small, pretty binder clips
Begin by printing, coloring, and filling in these printable Mother's Day coupons( for little kids and for big kids).
The ones with lines are meant for kiddos who are writing. The ones with the blank space are meant for kiddos who would rather draw a picture. (If the pictures aren't clear, it can help to have an adult translate what the coupon is meant for by writing the words at the bottom.)
Like Martin and Sylvia do in the story, take some time to have your kiddos brainstorm things they might like to do for or with Mom. My children immediately jumped to doing extra chores — which I would, indeed, appreciate — but don't feel limited to that. The promise of a special ice cream date or a long walk on a favorite hiking trail is just as much of a treat as clearing the table or sweeping the floor.
Once the coupons are filled out, cut them apart and stack them together. Using the finished coupons as a template, cut a folder or “wallet” out of the patterned scrapbook paper.
The wallet paper should be a little wider than the width of the coupons and a little taller than twice the height of the coupons. Fold the paper in half with the pretty pattern on the outside to complete the wallet.
Now put a few pieces of washi tape on the outside of the wallet and use the alphabet letter stickers to write “Happy Mother's Day” on top of the tape.
Happy Mother's Day!
If you liked this tutorial, here are others you might enjoy:
- Hanging Earth Art for Mother's Day
- Eight Sparkle Inspired Gifts for Mother's Day
- Air Dry Clay Trinket Dishes
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About the Author

Meryl Carver-Allmond
The Sparkle Kitchen Series is created by Meryl Carver-Allmond.
Meryl lives in a hundred-year-old house near the prairie with her sweet husband, two preschoolers, one puppy, one gecko, and about ten chickens. While she's been writing since she could pick up a pen, in recent years she's discovered the joy of photography, too. She feels lucky to be able to combine those skills, along with a third passion — showing people that cooking for themselves can be healthy and fun — in her Sparkle Kitchen posts.