Fairy Teepee Project for Kids
In the Martin & Sylvia: More Adventures! story, “Projects”, everyone wakes up one morning with a separate project in mind. Daddy wants to build a compost bin. Momma wants to paint the dining room chairs. Sylvia wants to build a fairy cottage. And Martin has an invention idea. Each needs help, but no one feels they have space to offer any. What to do?
While the parent in me sympathizes with Momma and Daddy's projects—and Martin's invention sounds so cool—given the choice, I would jump right in and help Sylvia with her wee fairy cottage in the tomato plants.
Or—since it's high summer camping season—perhaps I'd forgo a more formal cottage and make this fairy teepee, instead.
This sweet teepee makes a perfect getaway for any local fairies (or favorite dolls) who need a special spot to relax in the great outdoors. While I've given you the measurements I used for the sticks and fabrics, they're just guidelines. If you've stashed a perfect piece of fabric that's a bit shorter than 2/3 of a yard, just use shorter sticks; if your resident fairies are exceptionally tall, increase the lengths accordingly.
That being said, you simply must make the little washi tape flag banner to hang out front.
OK, I suppose you don't have to, but it's such a welcoming touch that it will have garden fairies flocking to your teepee in no time!
Fairy Teepee
5 straight sticks (about 21” long)
2/3 yard fabric
sewing machine and thread (or supplies for hand-sewing)
yarn needle or large safety pin
2 straight sticks (about 12” long)
washi tape
Now turn your attention to the fabric. Stitch about a half-inch hem (the measurement isn't critical, so feel free to eyeball it) along one long side and both short sides of the fabric. Then stitch a wider hem (an inch or so) along the remaining long side, to make a channel.
Cut another length of twine, and use the yarn needle or safety pin to thread it through the channel you just made. Lay the fabric on top of your teepee frame with the threaded, long side at the top.
Now it's time to make the flag banner. To do so, cut a 9-inch length of twine, and tie each end near the top of one of the shorter sticks. Fold pieces of washi tape over the twine to make the flags, and use scissors to trim them up.
Last, pop your teepee up in a lovely spot, plant the flag banner in front, and keep your eyes open for signs of fairies roasting marshmallows around the campfire.
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About the Author

Meryl Carver-Allmond
The Sparkle Kitchen Series is created by Meryl Carver-Allmond.
Meryl lives in a hundred-year-old house near the prairie with her sweet husband, two preschoolers, one puppy, one gecko, and about ten chickens. While she's been writing since she could pick up a pen, in recent years she's discovered the joy of photography, too. She feels lucky to be able to combine those skills, along with a third passion — showing people that cooking for themselves can be healthy and fun — in her Sparkle Kitchen posts.