Sparkle Fun & Games
Project Round-Up: Make Your Own Camp!

Project Round-Up: Make Your Own Camp!

Summer is the best, isn't it? Carefree days rambling, exploring and adventuring with friends. Getting dirty. Swimming and running through sprinklers. Eating icy treats! But somewhere, midsummer, we can start to feel a little antsy and ready for more. More structure, more activities and, dare we say, more learning!

Like Daddy and Sylvia in the Martin & Sylvia Goose-Eye Summer Camp Collection - why not inspire your kiddos to start their very OWN summer camp at home? The options are endless for what sort of camp they can create. They can let their brilliant little imaginations run-wild!

Need some camp-making inspiration? Here we highlight eight Sparkly ideas for making your very own summer camp at home!

Start with our Summer Explorer Guide

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Wishing for some fun summertime activities and adventures with the kids? Look no further than our very own Sparkle Stories Summer Explorer Project Guide! Read on for lots of ideas and instructions to make your own project bag — and happy exploring!

Get your Summer Explorer Guide here.

Start a Nature Journal

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A Nature Journal is a fun and educational way to interact with the natural world! It gives us a place to record what we see, hear, smell, feel, and even taste through the changing seasons and challenges us to pay more attention while we are in nature. A nature journal will put you on a fast track towards being a master naturalist, ecologist, botanist, or zoologist by fostering a deep curiosity and joy for the natural world.

Start one with your kiddos today.

Learn How to Identify Bird Song!

bird calls

Following on the heels of the Nature Journal, try learning all about identifying bird song! In Martin & Sylvia's Nature School story, "All the Pretty Voices", Martin learns another place where they can enjoy all the wonderful voices in nature: in bird song.

Learn how to identify and map bird calls here.

Create a Beach Mandala


Mandalas, which loosely translated from Sanskrit means "circle" and represents wholeness - are geometric shapes that can be seen all throughout nature out to the cosmos if you look, from the spirals of a snail’s shell to our ever-spinning universe. Because mandalas are so encompassing, they are the perfect tool to explore art, science, and so much more.

Create your own beach mandala using natural materials here.

Make Your Own Sunhat


It's not a day at camp without a sun hat! Inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! audio story "Silly Sunhats", let's learn to make our very own!

Learn how here.

Make Your Own Bug Repellant

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Here at Sparkle Stories we're huge proponents of staying away from yucky, harsh chemicals found in most store-brand bug repellants. Which is why we called on our contributor KC to create a recipe for an all-natural and wonderful-smelling bug spray. The best part? Once you have your ingredients gathered, it takes under two minutes to make!

Learn how here.

Play a Game of Squirrels Uprising!

squirrels uprising jeannine!

Inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: Nature School Audio Book “What to do on Thursdays”, “Squirrels Uprising” is such a fun game. There are multiple things happening at the same time, so it invites one’s awareness to expand to their whole environment and everything in it. In this way it is natural to feel that sense of interconnectedness.

Why play this game? Because it’s an incredible amount of fun! Learn the rules here.

Learn the Art of Rock Stacking!

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This project accompanies the second story in the Martin & Sylvia: Nature School Audio Book – “Part Two: The Deermice". Rock stacking is an ancient art. It is an art of placement – of choosing just the right spot and position of the rock. It is a celebration of design, discernment and most of all – balance. These are all beautiful lessons for children.

Learn the fine art of rock stacking here.

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About the Author

Trish Montle

Creative Content Manager

Trish is a social media manager, creator, copywriter, and mother of two small humans and three fur-babies. She lives in Collingwood, Ontario (Canada) surrounded by the natural beauty of the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay.

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