Sparkle Crafts
Time for an Old-School Summer Bucket List

Time for an Old-School Summer Bucket List

Can you believe summer is almost here? If you're anything like us, this sparks simultaneous feelings of joy and WHAT-TO-DO-WITH-THE-KIDS? It can be a tough question for stay-at-home and working parents alike! Whether you have vacations and summer camps scheduled or not, the summer can feel like a daunting amount of time. How should we spend it well?

While we look forward to the slower pace of summer — filled with free play and lots of space for fun (that can even be inspired by boredom) — there are those days where you just don't know where to start. You're uninspired. It's hot. The kids are out of sorts. You need some inspiration! Let's plan now for those moments with a Summer Bucket List.

First, gather your supplies:

  1. Your favorite pack of markers, crayons, and/or pencil crayons
  2. An eraser
  3. A handy-dandy roll of paper or construction paper
  4. Your imagination(s)!

Next step, round up the entire family. Sit around your kitchen table (or coffee table or dining table) and start brainstorming! Write down everything you can think of that would make summer SUMMER. Keep this precious list safe so you can look at it and pick something to do on those long days when you're fresh out of ideas.

Feeling a little stumped or need some suggestions to get those creative juices flowing? Here are a few Sparkle-y ideas to get the ball rolling:

  1. Visit your local petting zoo or farm
  2. Have a DIY pizza night!
  3. Go to your favorite local beach for a beach day
  4. Build the MOST EPIC pillow fort
  5. Create your own lemonade stand
  6. Go out for ice cream!
  7. Make mud pies and mud pie critters
  8. Visit a splash pad
  9. Cool down with a snow cone!
  10. Record your own Sparkle Story

Would you like some story inspiration? Here's how Martin and Sylvia brainstorm all their fun ideas for playdates! With a Let's Do Everything Map! inspired by the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays! story "Let's Do Everything."

What's on your family's Summer Bucket List?

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