Meet Our How To Be Super Summer Camp Trainers

Meet Our How To Be Super Summer Camp Trainers

Our How To Be Super Summer Camp Starts June 18th! Our Camp trainers are excited and ready to go. We thought now would be a great time to introduce you to them so you can get to know them a little before camp starts.

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Downtown Dave

Superpowers: Illumination, Transformation, Truth Detection, Illumination, Sleep Inducement

Downtown Dave learned he had the power of Transformation when he successfully convinced his neighbors that he was an eighty-year-old man. Downtown Dave was in second grade at the time. Since then, he has used this power along with Truth Detection and Illumination as an elementary school teacher, parent, soccer coach, and eventually Chief Tale Spinner for Sparkle Stories. He recently found that Sleep Inducement works not only on his two sons, but also on people who attend his lectures and workshops.

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Miss Merry May

Superpowers: Heart Thinking, Pain Perception, Face Reading, Emoji Harvesting, Being Still

Miss Merry May has a Super Sonic Heart. She can put a gazillion thoughts into her heart and it tells her what's most important. Zap! Just like that! (Some people call this Wisdom.) Miss Merry May also makes room in her heart to hold the pain that others are feeling, so they don't have to carry it around by themselves. (Some people call this Compassion.) Miss Merry May can also read faces (and people). She remembers faces that she hasn’t seen in years and she can hear the stories that faces tell without ever hearing a word! (Maybe this is why Meredith can find an emoji for any occasion!) Every day, Miss Merry May practices sitting still without moving for a really, really long time. It’s what helps to make her Super. Miss Merry May has used her Superpowers as a classroom teacher, mom, really good friend, and Sparkler.

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Lovey Lightening

Superpowers: Warming, Emotoscan, Manifesting, Safe-Making, Spin

You’ll know you’ve encountered Lovey Lightening because you’ll feel deeply warm and completely loved-up, and maybe even a little more awake and engaged in the world. Lovey Lightening has always had an outgoing manner and a big heart, but in college she realized that between her heart-centered Warming superpower and her ability to weave words, she could create transformative experiences for people of all ages. She’s generally behind the scenes at Sparkle, making things happen with her powers of Manifestation, making sure everyone feels connected with her Safe-Making superpower, and even offering a little word-Spinning from time to time.

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Superpowers: Super Smell, Perfect Taste, Truth Detector, Translator, Improving, Fabricator, Invisibility Generator

Sensilia has always been sensitive to smell and discovered it was a superpower when she could identify 16 different scents accurately in a Greek restaurant. She uses this power to develop her perfect taste in food, drinks, as well as scent-matching her friends with ideal perfumes. Sensilia loves to improve everything around her, whether that be her apartment, her work, her writing, or her style. She likes to experiment in all of these areas by fabricating new and sometimes disastrous concoctions. Sensilia also has the power of being able to disappear or vanish easily. At social gatherings, it sometimes comes to the attention of the other guests that, although Sensilia was present a few moments before, she is now gone and no one knows where she went. She uses this superpower when she needs some alone time. As the Sparkle intern, Sensilia uses her superpower of Improving and Perfect Taste to aid in any task that needs a little extra love!

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Frannie Fox

Superpowers: Smile Generation, Translator, and Warming Presence

Frannie Fox can make anyone smile. On a rainy day, she can make people feel like they are soaking in sunshine. She carefully scans the people around her and is able to detect what makes them happy — music, dance, art, conversation, food — and then creates an imaginary ball of light around them that produces a magical smile. She can practice Smile Generation with anyone! Her Translator superpower flourishes when she is in her backyard, meeting friends where they are and creating a cozy and safe environment for them. Her Warming Presence superpower is evident in her reputation of being as stable and solid as a rock. People lean on her for support and comfort, and she is steady even as people’s needs grow (this is called reliability). She is called Frannie Fox because, like a fox, she can use her superpower wherever she is in the world as she uses the resources that surround her. Even though foxes can be tricksters, she doesn’t joke around when it comes to making people smile. Frannie has used these powers in her life as a yoga teacher, policy maker, gardener, and with our listeners as part of the customer service team at Sparkle Stories.

About the Author

KC Pagano


KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.

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