When it comes to anxiety, meditation is a hugely helpful tool. There are reams of studies about its benefits for everything from focus to blood pressure. I meditate every morning, but because I'm a high energy person, I find that the traditional breath-based meditation techniques are too challenging. So I do grounding meditations that are very visual and whole-bodied!
This style of meditation is great for little people too!
I invited teacher Uma Sanghvi to collaborate with us on creating some original meditations for our Sparkle circle. (She's my own "anxiety coach," and I've learned some of my best techniques from her over the years.)
Below you'll find three short meditations to help little people (and their caregivers) ground and center. They are great for bedtime, or mornings, or anytime you're feeling particularly agitated.
Click here to find the collection and save to your Sparkle Storybox.
About the Authors

Uma Sanghvi
Uma helps high achievers to release stress, connect to their Higher Self and live a life of ease & joy. As an undergrad at Stanford University, she was a biology major and neuroscience researcher. As a Mind-Body Coach, Uma combines her background in science with a love of spirituality. She’s a student of A Course in Miracles and a trained Unity prayer chaplain. Uma can be found at and

Lisabeth Sewell
Lisabeth Sewell has worn many hats at Sparkle over the years, from Sparkle Kitchen Blogger to Editorial Director to Doer of All Odd Jobs. Her primary role is as CEO.