Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 7: "The Tree"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar story, "The Tree," Martin and Sylvia enjoy the apple trees in their yard! Today the apple trees lead them to another very special tree – and the children are ever so delighted.
Today is a very cold one and snowy activities abound as Martin and Sylvia explore their yard. Here are some Sparkle-inspired snowy activities.
What better way to celebrate the winter then to make snow candles. All you need is beeswax, some candle wick, popsicle sticks, and snow.
Find the tutorial HERE.
Above are three ideas: weaving saplings around trees, using a large branch for a lean-to, and stacking bundles of sticks with rope. You can color these pictures in and then try it yourself!
Find the printable HERE
Free Sledding Games
Here are some of some of Martin and Sylvia's favorites - what are yours? And you don’t need snow to find fun and free ways to get down a hill - there’s rolling, skipping, and somersaulting, to name a few.
Find the printable HERE
About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.