Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar – Day 4: " The Advent Table"
In this Martin & Sylvia's Audio Advent Calendar Day 4 story, "The Advent Table," Martin and Sylvia’s family creates an Advent Table each year to celebrate the season. This year, they get to go on an Advent hunt for something special to add to the decorations.
This story is all about collecting elements from nature. Here are three activities to get you inpired to explore nature.
Creating a Nature Table
This tutorial will walk you though creating a nature table in what ever space you have.
Find the tutorial HERE.
Here is a fun tutorial for painting seashells to create story "cards."
Find the tutorial HERE.
Add to your nature table with some inpiring word stones.
Find the tutorial HERE.
About the Author

KC Pagano
KC is a full-time radical homemaker and mama to two spunky little girls. She writes about all kinds of radical goodness, from gardening and cooking with whole foods to crafting, sewing, homeschooling, and mama musings. Read more on her blog The Nettlesome Life.