Friday's Kind Words: Awesome Words
Sparklestories changed our day today. My daughter has been getting sick the last half hour of flights lately. We have tried lots of different things, but my sweet girl still ends up miserable, clutching a bag.
Today as our plane started to glide lower and I could tell she was feeling really bad, I started to tell a story. I have always been a story reader, not a teller, until you guys assured me through your awesome words that I could do it too. I frequently tell them bedtime stories from my own heart, now, but have not in a while. So I started a story that was half-hearted, and wrapped up quickly. Then I took a deep breath and started again.
This one felt right, and when I looked over, my 4th grader was leaned in listening too. I watched my little one's eyes over the bag as I spun the tale and we slowly sank closer to the earth. My story concluded when we stopped at the gate. The timing was perfect. My girl looked around amazed and delighted. "We figured it out!" She exclaimed to her daddy. "I just needed a story to not get sick." Thank you for giving me the confidence to heal my own in a very surprising way.
Much Gratitude, ~ Jana