Sparkle Schoolhouse
June Tips for Creating a Day of Rest

June Tips for Creating a Day of Rest

I am an enthusiastic baker. Every chance I get, I try to bring along a sweet homemade treat if it is seems the least bit appropriate. So it only seemed natural to offer to make a chocolate cake for my goddaughter Eve’s birthday a few weekends ago. “If you are longing to bake a cake, I'd say great!” texted Linda, Eve’s mother and my dear friend.

As I walked into her kitchen the following day and placed my cake carrier on the counter, Linda smiled at me. “It was so nice of you to bring the cake,” she said. “It allowed me to say ‘yes’ to Eve all day — whether she wanted to go to the beach or bounce on the trampoline or get manicures — and I never had to say, ‘Not now, honey, I need to bake the cake.'"

I love the way Linda envisioned her ideal birthday celebration for her daughter: an opportunity to say “yes” to each of Eve’s delightful, seven-year-old desires. This wise mother knew that in order to respond cheerfully to her child’s ideas, she needed to simplify her life and make space for such a whimsical day to occur.

In this month’s Day of Rest, Martin and Sylvia’s whole family learns that although their tendency to expand ideas into intricate plans may be exciting, it can also be exhausting. Sylvia christens this desire “to complify” and begins seeking ways to simplify instead.

The impulse to complify is very appealing to those of us who love abundance, complexity, and richly-layered experiences. However, when a family’s goal is a “Day of Rest,” it is sometimes best to embrace human limits rather than reach for the stars — at least for one day.

If you’re looking for ways to simplify rather than complify in your own Day of Rest, let me offer a few strategies to consider.

Get a good picture of all the hopes and dreams in play. Martin and Sylvia’s family didn’t realize how complex their day was becoming until they all shared their plans together. Spend a little time talking together as a family. What does each person hope for on your next Day of Rest? Are there any plans already in place? Even if there are surprises in the mix, talk together to get a full understanding of everyone’s dreams for the day.

Get clear about your vision. Once Martin and Sylvia’s family saw how much was planned for their Day of Rest, they could see that all of these things wouldn’t add up to a truly restful day. Their next steps in simplifying were guided by their vision for a relaxed and joyful day. Talk together with your family: what would make your day of rest a success? What elements need to be included in order for you to feel satisfied at the end of the day?

Understand your limits and make choices. As much as we wish for invincibility, being human means we all have limits to our time and energy. Momma and Daddy know that going ahead with all the complicated plans would lead to exhaustion, irritation, and likely some failure. With their limits in mind, they begin to sort through the elements, keeping the non-negotiables and eliminating the extras. Consider with your own family: what are the most important elements of your day? And what elements can be altered in order to experience something more restful? Listening well and discussing together will help you find solutions that work for your whole family.

Enjoy your day thoroughly. Once you’ve made your decisions intentionally, dive in and experience your day in all its fullness! You can rest assured that you have thought through your options and made good choices together. And remember — if you missed some things that needed to be pruned away this week, there is always another Day of Rest just seven days away.

Listen to the first free story HERE and read more about getting started with a Day of Rest.

Read the May Day of Rest tips HERE.

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About the Author

Ann Boyd

Literary Editor and Continuity Director

Ann is a writer, editor, homeschooling mother, voracious reader, full-fat baker, and musician. She lives in Chicago with her husband and two daughters and chronicles the journey at Boyds’ Nest News.

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